
德州高等教育协调委员会第21条规定.25 requires each student applying to enroll at an institution to respond to a set of core residency questions for the purpose of determining the student’s eligibility for classification as a Texas resident. 如果HSU要求您提供德克萨斯州居住证明, 可在“完整所需文件”一节找到 自助申请资助. 点击“在这里解决” next to the Texas Residency Affirmation task and you will be asked to create a CampusLogic account to complete the form. 如果您已经拥有CampusLogic帐户,您将使用HSU的用户名和密码登录. 您可以通过以下链接直接访问CampusLogic: http://hsutx.verifymyfafsa.com

一定要仔细阅读表格上每个部分的说明. 请参阅此页或联系财政援助办公室,如果你有任何疑问或问题!

首先,提供你的First & 姓,HSU ID号和出生日期. 接着看第一节.

节中,我. 学生类型 -这里有3组箱子. 在每组问题中选择一个最适合你的. 移至第二节.

*注意: 如果您选择您或您的父母当前是美国.S. 军队和德州是你的家乡, 您将需要提交一份休假和收入声明(LES),显示德克萨斯州的地址. 如果你没有LES, then please select “I have or will have lived in Texas for the previous 12 months prior to starting my first semester at HSU” OR “在我开始在HSU的第一学期之前的12个月里,我没有也不会住在德克萨斯州” 这取决于你过去12个月在德州住了多久.

第二节. 〇成为住院医师的途径 只有3种途径可以让你申请德州居留权. 在做出选择之前仔细阅读每条路径. 一旦您做出了选择,请确保填写所需的所有附加信息. 移至第三节.

从3个途径中选择一个作为你在德州的居住权. 从第一条途径开始. 如果这个适用于你, 选择那一个,填写要求的高中/GED信息,然后转到第三部分. 如果途径1不适用,则跳到途径2. 如果它适用于您,请选择此选项, 提供所要求的转账信息,然后转到第三部分. 如果途径1和途径2都不适合你,请选择支持文件途径. 财政援助办公室将与你联系,了解你需要提供什么.

*注意: If you graduated from homeschool in Texas AND lived in Texas for 36 consecutive months prior to graduating high school, 然后你可以根据第二部分选择第一个居留途径. Be sure to say you were homeschooled and provide the City and State on the line that asks for the school’s name/location.

第三节. 选择性服务登记声明 只选择一个准确反映你的选择性服务登记状态的方框. All students must sign their name on the signature line under 第三节 regardless of their answer to the selective service statement. * 你可以用几种方法在这张表上签名:

  • 在Adobe或其他PDF编辑器中打开PDF并使用电子签名工具.
  • 打印出来, 签字, 然后用你的智能手机或打印机/扫描仪扫描它,并重新上传到CampusLogic. 如果你有iPhone,你可以用“笔记”应用扫描它.
  • 如果你把它打印出来签名, 但无法将表单上传到CampusLogic, 你可以把它带到经济援助办公室, 我们可以帮你扫描一下. 我们位于2号楼nd 开放时间为周一至周五上午8点至下午5点.
  • 如果你把它打印出来签名, 但无法将表单上传到CampusLogic, 您可以将表格的两页都拍照并作为照片上传.
  • 您可以使用电脑或智能手机上的铅笔/钢笔工具签名.
  • 你可以截屏表格,用铅笔/钢笔工具填写,并上传两页照片.

*请注意, all males over 18 must be registered or exempt from registration for the Selective Service to receive any financial aid from the State of Texas.

第四节. 居住证明和选择性服务声明- 阅读每一份认证声明,并在每一份声明下的方框里打勾.

一旦你完成了表格的所有部分, 包括你的签名, 您可以上传您的表格供审查. 上传所请求的文档, 您需要保存文档的副本并将其上传到CampusLogic应用程序中. 您可以通过创建文档的扫描图像或拍摄清晰的数码照片来实现这一点. 上传文档后, 您可以查看它,以确保图像清晰提交给财政援助办公室. 如果有必要,您可以选择删除上传的文件或添加更多页面.

如果您的文件被拒绝,您将通过文本通知 & 电子邮件. 您将能够在任务上传按钮下的红色框中看到表单被拒绝的原因.


  • 失踪的签名
  • 并非所有必需的信息都已填写
  • 上传的文档不是必需的文档
  • 文件不完整(需要额外的页面)
  • 文档图像模糊、太小、截断等.
  • 上传的文件是空白的
  • 其他(在拒绝栏中注明原因)

联邦法律要求所有18-25岁的男性在年满18岁后的30天内进行兵役登记th 生日. 尽管联邦财政援助不再需要注册, the State of Texas does require students to file a Selective Service Registration Status to determine eligibility for State financial aid.

All males over the age of 18 must be registered for the Selective Service or otherwise exempt to receive financial aid from the State of Texas. 大多数男性在年满18岁时更新驾照, 所以你可能已经注册了. 您可以使用以下链接验证您的注册状态或进行注册:

那些表明自己超过18岁且没有登记服兵役的男性,他们的表格将被拒绝. 我们建议所有男性在选择此选项之前先确认自己的状态.


原因 我需要注册吗?
我生来就是女性 No
我出生时是男性,目前未满18岁 没有. 你必须在满18岁后的30天内注册.
我出生时是男性,年龄在18-26岁之间 是的
我生下来是男性,然后变成了女性 是的
我生下来是女性,然后变成了男性 No
我出生时是男性,年龄在18-26岁之间,但不是美国公民 是的,所有男性永久居民,无证移民,难民等. 必须登记.
我出生时是男性,但直到26岁之后才搬到美国th 生日 不需要,豁免书可以由瑞士提供.政府
我出生时是男性,年龄在18-26岁之间,但战争违背了我的道德/宗教 是的. 如果征兵发生了, 你可以基于宗教或道德上的反对申请豁免,但仍然需要登记.
我生来是男性,但有残疾 是的,除非你符合以下两种情况之一. 下述残疾情况可豁免登记:

  1. 一个人住进了医院, 养老院, 长期护理机构, 18岁之前去精神病院th 生日, 没有30天或更长时间的收容休息吗, 直到26岁,他都被关在精神病院th 生日.
  2. 在18岁之前,他被限制在家里,无论是自己的还是别人的th 生日,在没有医疗帮助的情况下不能离开家(例如. 护士,救护车或急救医生),在家待到26岁th 生日.


如果您选择了德克萨斯州居留表格第二部分下的支持文件路径, then you will need to select one item each from Section A and one from Section B to submit to the Financial 援助 office (see contact info at bottom of page or deliver in person). Supporting documentation will be requested through upon review of your Texas Residency Form where you may upload documentation securely.



2) the person or the dependent student’s parent has maintained domicile in Texas continuously for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls.



  • An employer’s statement of dates of employment in Texas (beginning and current or ending dates) that encompass at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls. 然而, 就业以学生身份为条件, 比如工作学习, 津贴的收据, 奖学金, 或研究或教学助教不构成有酬就业.
  • 其他证明本人或受扶养人父母身份的文件, 在紧接该人士登记的任期的普查日期之前至少连续12个月:
      1. has been engaged in employment intended to provide an income to the person or allow the person to avoid the expense of paying another to perform tasks (as in childcare) that is sufficient to provide at least one-half of the individual’s tuition and living expenses or represents an average of at least 20 hours per week; or
      2. is self-employed in Texas or is living off his/her earnings; or
      3. 在德州主要由公共援助支持吗.
      4. 指靠公共援助生活的人, written statements from the office of one or more social service agencies located in Texas that attest to the provision of services to the person for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls.


Title to residential real property in Texas with documentation to verify 12 consecutive months of ownership immediately preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls, 例如担保契约, 本人或受抚养人的父母在该住所有住所并保持住所.


Marriage Certificate or Declaration of Registration of Informal Marriage with documentation Adopted January 2012 to support that spouse has established and maintained domicile in Texas for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date of the term in which the person enrolls


Documents that evidence the organization of the business in Texas that reflect the ownership interest of the person or dependent’s parent, and the customary management of the business by the person or dependent’s parent without the intention of liquidation for the foreseeable future.

*注意: 纳税申报表, 1040A, 1040EZ) may also be used to supplement paystubs or show wages earned while residing in Texas for at least 12 months. 如果您只提供纳税表格(1040), 1040A, 1040EZ) you will need to provide at 2-3 Tax 形式 from different years that show income made in Texas spanning 12 months prior to your first semester at HSU. 也, 如果你是军人的话, 您可以提交一份显示德克萨斯州地址的休假和收入声明(LES).

SECTION B – Documents that May Provide Support to a Claim of Residence in Texas for the 12 Consecutive Months Immediately Preceding the Census Date of the Term in which the Person Enrolls

  1. 人口普查日前连续12个月的水电费帐单;
  2. 在人口普查日期之前,德克萨斯州高中的成绩单显示完整的高中毕业日期;
  3. A transcript from a Texas institution showing presence in Texas for the 12 consecutive months preceding the census date;
  4. 未过期的德州驾驶执照或德州身份证, 如果它反映了发起日期, 在人口普查日期前至少12个月显示其起源日期;
  5. 在人口普查日期前连续12个月在德克萨斯州居住的已注销支票;
  6. A current credit report that documents the length and place of residence of the person or the dependent’s parent to be in Texas and the length of residence to be at least 12 consecutive months preceding the census date.
  7. 在人口普查日期前至少12个月签发的德州选民登记卡.
  8. 紧接人口普查日期前连续12个月的薪俸存根, 反映了德州可观的有酬就业;
  9. 在人口普查日期之前连续12个月反映德克萨斯州地址的银行对账单;
  10. 来自一个或多个社会服务机构办公室的书面声明, 证明在紧接人口普查日期前至少连续12个月提供服务.
  11. Lease or rental of residential real property in the name of the person or the dependent student’s parent for the 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the census date.


电子邮件: financialaid@bolderair.com

电话:(325)670 - 1050

办公时间是早上8点.m.-5 p.m. 周一-周五. 位于Sandefer纪念馆2楼.